Attention all Riverside Medical patients
Starting immediately, you are able to book appointments online with Dr. Rithesh Ram. Please follow the link to set up your account.
You can also book an appointment by calling us at 403-823-5000 or by sending us an email at
Please allow 24 hours for our staff to respond to email requests.
Most appointments are scheduled for 10-15 minutes. When booking, you will be asked the nature of your visit to allocate appropriate time. If you need a longer appointment, for an annual Preventative Screening Appointment, a Driver's Medical, an in-office procedure (such as a biopsy or IUD insertion), WCB or Paperwork/Forms to be completed, please notify the receptionist at the time of booking.
At Riverside Medical, we understand that there are times when health concerns arise suddenly and cannot wait for a scheduled appointment.
If you feel you must see a doctor on an urgent basis, we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Type of Appointments:
- Regular Visits: most visits are regular visits, where patients come to discuss new or existing concerns.
- Medication Refills. During Covid times, we try to limit our number of in-office visits. If you are renewing a long-standing medication, we may be in a position to do this via a telephone or virtual consult.
- Preventative Care Visits: these appointments replace the “Annual Physical.” They entail a review of age-appropriate screening, assessments of chronic medical conditions, and focused physical exams. At these appointments, medication renewals can also be addressed.
- Well Baby / Well Child Visits: Your primary care provider can be a pediatrician or Rural Generalist. As your child grows and develops, you’ll likely turn to your child’s primary care provider with questions or concerns, and he or she can refer you to a pediatrician if there are complex health conditions to diagnose and support in management.
- Chronic Pain Appointments: Pain is a wide spectrum of disorders including acute pain, chronic pain and cancer pain, or sometimes a combination of these. Pain can also arise for many different reasons such as surgery, injury, nerve damage, and metabolic conditions such as diabetes. Occasionally, pain can even be the problem all by itself, without any obvious cause at all. Our team of professionals can help patients learn to better manage their painand daily function. We focus on teaching self-management techniques.
- Driver’s Medical
- Hospital Follow-Ups
- In-Office Procedures: these may include joint injections, biopsies, prolotherapy, IUDs, and much more.
Questions of Etiquette:
Please be aware that Riverside Medical has zero tolerance for staff abuse. If you are in violation of this request for respect, you may be discharged from the clinic.
No Shows: we understand that life happens and you may at times be unable to attend your appointment. Please advise us, even an hour before, for these appointments can often be used by someone else. If you have frequent No Shows, you may be required to pay a $50 no-show fee prior to your subsequent booking.
Lateness: we understand that at times you may be late. Please advise our staff as soon as possible so they can work with our schedules to prevent delays to the care of other patients. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be asked to rebook your appointment.